Men of God

A small collection on the differences in the way scriptures is seen by a credo hermeneutic vs a Presbyterian one by Rocky Simbajon



A small collection on the differences in the way scriptures is seen by a credo hermeneutic vs a Presbyterian one

By R. Simbajon

This is not intended to be a slight or a attack on my credobaptist brethren-they are my brothers in the faith; However, many parts of their theology affect their hermeneutic and vice versa. I only post this as a continual growing list to bring clarity to the Presbyterian camp:

I am referring to how Presbyterians see scripture and how the credo sees it. It is vastly different; For instance, most credo’s see the scriptures from back to front. Their preaching shows it. It is not covenantal. The hermeneutic is different. This comes across in most of what they preach, never mind on the topic of baptism.


I will add, the WCF says that neglecting placing the sign on our children is a “great sin”. Nowhere else in the confession is language like this used. It should grieve the Presbyterian for their dear brothers in the faith-we should be jealous for them!


Gen 17 warns about being ‘cut off’ for denying the sign. What is this extent? This cutting off? In the local expression only; Is it severe? The CB brother misses out on many blessings that flor from the benefit of being obedient and placing the sacrament. Thier children miss out etc.


This next portion is borrowed from my dear friend Rocky A. Simbajon:


“Most Credo- Baptists, including those who identify themselves to Reformed Heritage, are anti-Presbyterians. The Particular Baptists, and in America, those who claim to be Missionary Baptists and the Hardshell types, do not usually have a pulpit exchange with Presbyterians. They do not usually have an “open pulpit” with Presbyterians. Reformed Presbyterian’s hermeneutic is a threat to theirs. Our message is contradictory with theirs. Conservative Credo-Baptists differ from Reformed Presbyterianism in the following distinctives:


1. Ecclesiology


– The church is always local hence, every local congregation has the right to independency- Christ is the head of the local church – The church government must be democratic and it is governed by the people, the ministers are only representing or ministering the voice of the majority- Baptised membership is the norm, ergo infants of believers are not members of the local church- The church began only in the New Testament times


2. Soteriology


– Credo-Baptists emphasized most, if not only, individualistic decision, so salvation of the children of believers are only determined upon their personal profession of faith when they are already capable of outwardly called by the ministry of the Gospel- Hence, Covenantal soteriology as espoused by Reformed Presbyterianism is inadmissible – In addition, individual freedom takes precedence than submission to authority , confession or presbytery – Furthermore, it is consistent with Arminianism


3. Eschatology


– Most Credo-Baptists terminate the continuity of the two Testaments- The Old Testaments are all shadows without substance- Only the New Testament contains the substance, hence more authoritative – Most Credo-Baptists are Premillennial and Dispensationalists (Bob Jones, Moody Bible Institute, etc.), next to that number are the historical premillennialists (readers of Spurgeon), the Amellinnialists (readers of John Gill, Bunyan, etc.) and very scarce are Postmillennialists (if any)”


End quote.


The above comes across in their preaching in one way or the other. If you don’t notice it, you’re not listening or you are not as Presby as you think.