Historic Documents

Creeds, Confession and whatnot.

The Westminster Confession of Faith of 1647

Westminster Confession of Faith 1686 w/ Scripture References for each chapter

The Directory for Family Worship

Commentaries on the Westminster Confession of faith

The Directory for the Publick Worship of God

Westminster Larger Catechism

Westminster Shorter Catechism

The Solemn League and Covenant

A REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN Testimony against the U.S. Constitution, And the Moral Evils thereof.

Creeds, Confessions and Whatnot by Scott Bushey

Creeds and Confessions by A. A. Hodge

The Belgic Confession

The Second Helvetic Confession

First National Reformation in Scotland, Confession of Faith 1560


The Definition of the Council of Chalcedon (451 A.D.)

The Reformers on Who is the Antichrist


What are the Principle Confessions of the Reformed or Clavinistic Churches? by A. A. Hodge

All of the Bible Commentaries of the Scottish Covenanters

Luther’s 95 Theses

To the Christian Reader, Especially the Head of Families

1788 Revision to the Westminster Confession by Lee Irons

American Revisions to the Westminster Confession of Faith

Various Books of Church Order

When Westminster Standards used the term, ‘Psalms’, they meant Psalms only! by Scott Bushey

The Sum of Saving Knowledge

Calvin’s Catechism

A List of the Westminster Divines

A Brief and Untechnical Statement of the Reformed Faith by B. B. Warfield

Church Order of Dordt

The Precisionists-A Seminary Paper on the Reformation leading up to the Puritans by Scott Bushey

3 Forms of Unity

Heidelberg Catechism

Apostle’s Creed

Calvin’s Confession

The Second Covenant of Scotland @ Perth-1559

The 39 Articles

Canon of Dordt

The WCF 1647 vs the Newer Translations

The 2nd Book of Discipline-1578

A few differences in emphasis, structure, and content of the major creeds, confessions and historic church documents

The Millenary Petition to King James I

Creeds and why we need them by A. A. Hodge

History of Westminster; Timeline Summary of Events by William Maxwell Hetherington

London Baptist Confession of 1689

A Specimen of Divine Truth by Abraham Hellenbroek

Lex Rex by S. Rutherford Questions 1-10

On the Duty of Covenanting and the Permanent Obligations of Religious Covenants by William Roberts

10,000 will not vote

Jus Divinum; Chapters 1-7

In Defense of Creedalism by Ken Gentry

How to Love Confessionalists by Lane Keister

The Creeds and Doctrinal advance by J. Gresham Machen

A Plea for Creeds by R. Hanko

What is Catechism By Zachary Ursinus

Synod of Dordt

The Canons of the Council of Orange

The Anathemas of the Second Council of Constantanople 553 AD

Athanasian Creed

The Savoy Platform of 1658

Queensferry Paper of 1680

Lanark Declaration of 1681

Creeds and Confessions by James Bannerman

The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy

Childrens Catechism