
Take heed unto thyself, and unto thy doctrine. 1 Tim. 4:16.



doc·​trine | \ ˈdäk-trən  \

Definition of doctrine

2a: something that is taught
b: a principle or position or the body of principles in a branch of knowledge or system of belief : DOGMACatholic doctrine
claw : a principle of law established through past decisions
d: a statement of fundamental government policy especially in international relationsthe Truman Doctrine
e: a military principle or set of strategies

Theological Defintions

Sanctity of Life by Scott Bushey

Purpose of the Law-To Reveal our Sin by Reverend Larry Bray

When the Morlocks Call by Scott Bushey

Our Mission in Christ by Scott Bushey

Worldview by Scott Bushey

TULIP; The Synod Of Dordt

On Christian Modesty by Scott Bushey

Whosoever Will May Come. But What About Whosoever Won’t? by Richard Bacon

Gossip by Scott Bushey

The Tithe by Scott Bushey

What Ye Mean by R. Bacon- A study on Paedocommunion

Some additional interactions refuting independent preaching on the street by Scott Bushey

The Effects of Sin by Scott Bushey

Why I don’t attend movies produced by the world on the subject of the bible. by Scott Bushey

The Creation Account by Scott Bushey

The Doctrines of Repentance and Justification by Scott Bushey

The Bible and Alcoholic Beverages by Greg L. Price

5 Points of Calvinism by R. L. Dabney

Self-Love and the Issue of Masturbation by Scott Bushey

A Paper on Jonathan Edwards’ Books, ‘Religious Affections and Freedom of the Will’. by Scott Bushey

Is sanctification in Christ’s saints monergistic or synergistic? by Scott Bushey

The Fall by Scott Bushey

An abstract and overview of 3 selected works of Thomas Brooks by Scott Bushey

Grace according to Westminster

Is God the Author of Confusion? by Scott Bushey

5 Solas

Scriptures on the Doctrine of Election by Scott Bushey

Is the New Testament Pastor a Prophet? by Scott Bushey

The Parable of Perseverance by Scott Bushey

Imputation by Scott Bushey

What Happens to Infants Who Die in Infancy? by Scott Bushey

Justification by Grace by Charles Spurgeon

Truth’s Victory over Error by David Dickson

Theological Definitions relative to the Great Commission by Scott Bushey

Christian Suffering by Scott Bushey

Additional passages related to Predestination by Scott Bushey

The Weak and the Strong by John Murray (1898-1975)

Sexual Purity by Scott Bushey

On the Law of God by Scott Bushey

The Ten Commandments

Ethics; The Law of God by Scott Bushey

Our Life in Christ by Scott Bushey

Defending the Word of God by Scott Bushey

Baptism-arguments from both sides of the fence by Scott Bushey

The Great Omission by Scott Bushey

Sin is not Relative by Scott Bushey

The Fractured Church Family by Scott Bushey

Act, Declaration, & Testimony

Summary of Act’s chapter 10 and the salvation of Cornelius by Scott Bushey

Is Grace Common? by Scott Bushey

The Doctrine of the Trinity by Scott Bushey

Marriage by Scott Bushey

A Response to Free Will by Scott Bushey

Laws on Chastity, Sabbath and Idolatry-from A Code of Jewish Law by Ganzfried and Goldin

Common Grace? by Scott Bushey

Decisional Regeneration by James Adams

The RPC on Covenanters and Politics

What compelled God to choose the elect? by Scott Bushey

The Mosaic Covenant is part of the Covenant of Grace by Scott Bushey

Taming the Tongue by Scott Bushey

Doctrines that are found in scripture by Good and Necessary Consequence and Inference by Scott Bushey

Doctrines of Grace by Scott Bushey

Abortion by Scott Bushey

The Law of God by Scott Bushey