Various authors on the defense of Paedo Baptism
A.A. Hodge. The Confession of Faith (See his commentary on chapters 25 and 28 of the WCF)
B.B. Warfield. The Polemics of Infant Baptism.
Brian Schwertley. The Sacraments and Paedocommunion: A Biblical Examination.
Charles Hodge. The Subjects of Baptism (from his Systematic Theology)
Dennis Johnson. Infant Baptism: How My Mind Has Changed.
Fowler White. The Last Adam and His Seed.
Francis Nigel Lee. Sprinkling Is Scriptural.
Gregg Strawbridge. Infant Baptism: Does the Bible Teach It?
Grover Gunn. The Mode of Baptism.
James W. Scott. The Biblical Basis for Infant Baptism.
Jason A. Van Bemmel. Children of the Covenant.
Jason Wallace. An Open Letter on Infant Baptism.
J. Ligon Duncan. The Abrahamic Covenant – Signs and Implications and The Reformed Doctrine of Baptism & New Testament Practice.
John Battle. Mode of Baptism.
John Calvin. Institutes of the Christian Religion, 4:16 on Infant Baptism.
John Murray. The Mode of Baptism.
John Owen. Of Infant Baptism.
Kim Riddlebarger. Lectures on the Sacraments (based on Meredith Kline’s By Oath Consigned).
Larry Wilson. Why Does the Orthodox Presbyterian Church Baptize Infants.
Lee Irons. The Oikos Formula (based on Joachim Jeremias’ The Origins of Infant Baptism: A Further Study in Reply to Kurt Aland).
Louis Berkhof. Baptism (from his Systematic Theology).
Peter Edwards. Candid Reasons For Renouncing the Principles of Anti-Paedobaptism (book).
Peter P. Sandford. Christian Baptism: A Discourse of Acts 2:38, 39.
R. Scott Clark. A Contemporary Reformed Defense of Infant Baptism, Abraham, Moses and Baptism and Ishmael and Infant Baptism.
Samuel Miller. Infant Baptism: Scriptural and Reasonable (book).
William MacIntyre. The Token of the Covenant (book).
William Shishko. A Better Case for Infant Baptism and Is Immersion Necessary for Baptism?
William Shishko. Studies on Baptism (audio).