
Mainstream Christian soteriology is the study of how God reconciles the separation between man and God due to sin. [4] Many Christians believe they receive the forgiveness of sins,[5] life,[6] and salvation[7] obtained by Jesus through his incarnation, life, innocent suffering, death, resurrection from the dead, and ascension.[8] Christian soteriology examines how an individual is miraculously saved by divine grace through faith in Jesus Christ, and reconciled to God.[9] Humankind was saved from both physical and spiritual destruction, the resulting condemnation of one’s sin.[10]

Taken from Wikipedia: Soteriology


The Backslider Characterized; Or, The Evil And Danger Of Defection Described by Rev. Ebenezer Erskine
On the Difference Between Regeneration and Conversion by Rev. James Petigru Boyce, D. D., LL. D.,
Your Identity in Christ by Scott Bushey
The Believers Faith in Christ by Scott Bushey
Our Salvation in Christ by Scott Bushey
Repentance” – Arthur W. Pink
I Can’t Repent” – Ichabod S. Spenser
Phoney Repentance, Abundant Mercy” – Roger Ellsworth
Conviction for Sin” – Gardiner Spring
The Difference Between True and Counterfeit Repentance” – John Colquhoun
The Fruits and Evidences of True Repentance” – John Colquhoun
Thomas Hooker and the Doctrine of Conversion” – Iain Murray
Irresistible Grace” – John Murray
Irresistible Grace” – Rev. Gordon Girod
Efficacious Grace” – Loraine Boettner
Arminian Errors” – Rev. William MacLean
The Disturbing Legacy of Charles Finney” – Michael Horton
Myth of Free Will” – Walter Chantry
God’s Sovereignty and the Human Will” – A. W. Pink
Experimental Salvation” – A. W. Pink
Arminianism: The Golden Idol of Free-will” – Augustus Toplady
Do you REALLY Believe that Salvation is by Grace Alone?” – Jeffrey C. Nesbitt
Lordship Salvation: Biblical or Heretical?” – William Webster
To Die is Gain” – Thomas Brooks
The Method of Salvation Through Jesus Christ” – Samuel Davies
The Call that Brings a Response” – Paul Helm
The Fall of Peter” – F.W. Krummacher
Kept by the Power of God” – William Romaine
Adoption” – John Murray
Faith and Assurance” – J.C. Ryle
True and False Assurance” – Thomas Brooks
How We May Know We are Born of God” – B.B. Caldwell
The Fear of Emotional Religion” – Norman H. Street
The Everlasting Covenant” – D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
The Almost Christian” – George Whitefield
Salvation by Grace” – Loraine Boettner
Everyman Must be a Theologian” – John H. Gerstner
To Come to Christ is not Man’s Willing or Running” – Wylie Fulton
Salvation – I Can Write On No Other Theme” – Wylie Fulton [Series]
Few Saved!” – J.C. Ryle
Living or Dead?” – J.C. Ryle
Infant Salvation” – Robert E. Davis
Chosen by God by B. Schwertley
Man’s need of Salvation by B. Schwertley
The Great Commission by B. Schwertley