In regards to being dogmatic: The sabbath discussion will never go away this side of Heaven. The issue arises out of one’s definition of essentials. The edges get a bit blurry for some folk, based on their personal views of said doctrine or the splattering of confusion from many of the great fathers of the faith. In other words, there is a bit of inconsistencies in some of the writings which give way to a lackadaisical view of a few things, i.e. the continental view of the sabbath vs the puritan view. Then there comes the thing of discovering just how much or how little one is availed on the day. One may say, “You can’t do any of that on the sabbath”. How are we defining this statement; Is it based on the levitical law? Should we be turning on lights and driving to church or how about striking a match? Should I pour the water on the tea bag or should I put the tea bag in the boiling water? Is the water boiling, if so, and I place the tea bag in a boil, am I cooking? Much can be discussed on the matter. Is it a bit ambiguous? It is! I know most here may say, ‘It is clear’. I don’t know-thats the point. The Essenes would not move their bowels on the sabbath….. Do we have a rest in Christ? Let us not confuse that rest with illicit freedom. is there a difference between tossing a ball with my child on the sabbath and watching a man break the sabbath by working on the sabbath playing a professional sport? Is there a difference between me and my child standing in the yard, enjoying the glory of God and not doing a thing and us tossing a ball back and forth? Is tossing the ball a work? Is thinking about tossing a ball and not actually tossing the ball akin to tossing a ball? It is my belief, just like my understanding of psalm singing, that one needs to err on the side of prudence in all things.There is a freedom in Christ. However, finding out what that is may be a task.
On the Sabbath….
by Scott Bushey | Jul 24, 2013 | miscellaneous | 0 comments