“All men who read and hear the gospel contained in the Scriptures, are called to the fellowship of Christ, and to receive a full salvation in him, as the free gift of God to themselves. The law, which manifests our sinfulness and danger, and warns us to flee from the wrath to come, and which, upon a revelation of Christ, binds us to believe in him, is binding upon all men, Ezek. 33.11; Rom. 3.10-20; Gal. 3.10, 24; John 6.29; 1 John 3.23. And the gospel, which exhibits and offers Christ and his salvation, invites every man that hears it to receive him in it, as given to himself, without regarding whether he be well or ill qualified, elect or reprobate….In the gospel, Jesus Christ is indefinitely presented and offered to all men that hear it, as the absolutely free gift of God, and the official Saviour of mankind, Psalm 68.18; Rom. 11.26-27, 1 John 4.14, John 3.14-17, 4.42, 6.32, 39-40; 1 Tim. 1.15, Heb. 7.25; Isa. 42.6-7, 49.6-8….In the gospel men are, in the most general and unlimited manner, called to receive the blessings of salvation, Isa. 45.22-25, 55.1-7; Prov. 8.4; Matt. 11.28; John 7.37-39, 6.37….Such men as appear most likely to be excluded, are expressly invited to receive Christ and his salvation, — as the lost, the stupid, foolish, haters of knowledge, scorners, notorious transgressors, stout-hearted, and far from righteousness, rebellious, who have sinned to the uttermost, self-conceited, insensible of their sinfulness and misery, etc. Matt. 28.11; Luke 19.10; Hos. 13.9; Prov. 1.21-23, 9.4-5; Isa. 1.18, 46.12-13, 55.2; Jer. 3.1,4-5, 14, 22; Matt. 9.13; 1 Tim. 1.15-16; Rev. 3.17-18….The moral law, which requires men to receive God and obey God as the only true God, and their God, is precisely of the same extent in its object as his offers of himself to be their God. And it is observable, that, in the moral law, there is a five-fold grant of God by himself to men, as their God, Ex. 20.2-17, Deut. 5.6-21, 30.6….Unless the gospel offers and calls were directed to all men in general that hear it, none durst embrace them, till they were certain of their having the required qualifications….Whosoever will, in Rev. 22.17, denotes the universality of the invitation, not the qualification of the persons invited, John 6.37, 7.37.”
– John Brown of Haddington, “The Systematic Theology of John Brown of Haddington” (2002, ed., formerly titled, “A Compendious View of Natural and Revealed Religion”), pp. 343-344