The distinction between being ‘in’ covenant and being out of covenant must be considered; For example, Abraham saw both his children as in covenant. This is not to imply that he considered both children regenerate. As well, Abraham understood that at the placing of the sign, God can and sometimes does regenerate the child-He is in no way, obligated to regenerate. It would seem illicit to assume one way or the other, i.e. my child is unregenerate, my child is regenerate. The credo thinks this way. The covenant child has a holiness based on covenant; the credo rejects this notion. Are our children raised as the credo child? If not, how is our child different? How does God see them? Does God see them differently? We all acknowledge that outside of the mediation of Christ, all remain at enmity! But how is the enmity the covenant child has different from the credo child? There must be a distinction.
Also, much can be said of faith in this regard; God has promised. We can hold firmly to this fact; of course in light of the other truths I mention. Balance is everything.
There is much confusion in this age in relation to the terms ‘common grace’ and ‘baptismal regeneration’. Westminster held to baptismal regeneration-just not in the way it is understood today. Consider the Standards on the issue:
“VI. The efficacy of baptism is not tied to that moment of time wherein it is administered; yet, notwithstanding, by the right use of this ordinance, the grace promised is not only offered, but really exhibited and conferred by the Holy Ghost, to such (whether of age or infants) as that grace belongeth unto, according to the counsel of God’s own will, in his appointed time.”
God does, at times, regenerate at baptism. We all acknowledge this. Do we hold to BR? Well, yea, just not in the way it is defined today, i.e. Rome.
I have spent many hours on the subject of PR. Much like the doctrine of BR, it must be understood rightly. Shift a bit to the left or right and it becomes illicit. Reject the doctrine fully and you become at odds with scripture. The same can be said of PR. Do we presume? Well, yea. We presume that God is able. We do not presume that God is obligated. There is a difference.
Here are some quotes on presumption. I would read them with the ideas I speak of above:…/quotes-on-behalf-of…/